Post Divorce And Post Judgment Actions
Post divorce and post judgment actions refer to legal proceedings initiated by one of the parties to a prior Court order to ask the Court to change the order because there has been a change in circumstances. Claringbole Law, LLC d/b/a Claringbole Quigley, is here for you when you have questions or are seeking to update or enforce your existing family-related court orders.
What Happens When Circumstances Change?
When circumstances change, our attorneys are here to help our clients seek modifications of their divorce judgments.
What Can Be Changed?
Property division cannot be modified, however orders on child custody and support can be modified if you believe circumstances have significantly changed since the court order was issued.
Spousal Support Changes
Spousal support will terminate on the death of either party or upon the remarriage of the party receiving support. Spousal support may be open for review if there is a substantial change in income of either the payer or the recipient.
Child Support Modifications
Child support is also subject to review when incomes change or when placement is modified. For purposes of child support, the law defines the passage of 33 months as a substantial change in circumstance meaning child support can be reviewed.